Every food item you donate goes directly to a person in need.
One of the many services we offer here at Waymakers is a food pantry. Our members, their families, and homeless individuals in the Gravois Park area rely on our pantry as a means of food security. If you would like to help us stock our pantry, we have provided a list of our most requested items.
*We love plastic jars and flip top cans! Many of our pantry patrons appreciate easy access containers.
Most needed food pantry items:
Canned Items
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Beans & Legumes
- Tuna, Chicken, & other Meats
- Soups, Chili, & other Meals
Bottled & Jarred Items
- Peanut Butter
- Jams, Jellies, & Preserves (sugar-free)
- Pasta & Alfredo Sauces
- Juices
- Baby Food
Non-Perishable Items
- Beans
- Rice
- Oats
- Crackers
- Cereal, Granola, & Cereal/Granola Bars
- Instant Potatoes
- Powdered Milk
- Sugar substitutes (many of our patrons are diabetic)
If you have a donation you’d like to bring by, please contact us!
We currently accept donations by appointment only. Use the form below to let us know when you’d like to visit!