It all began over 50 years ago when The Williams’ were volunteering in a nursing home when a resident asked the question that sparked the desire to start a whole new kind of church— “Brother Bill, can you make a way for us to have a church of our own?”
With that question, The Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional was born!
Founders Bill and Rosa Williams, having recently been married, were just starting life. Rosa worked as a pianist and vocalist after receiving her degree from College of the Ozarks. Bill was working as a teamster and was a recovering alcoholic. They both adored visiting people in nursing homes where Bill took great joy in praying and ministering to people as Rosa would warm hearts by playing the piano and singing. It was during this time that the “make a way” question came up that planted the seed for Waymakers.
It wasn’t long before they had partnered with Sutter Presbyterian Church and Pastor Bill McConkey to provide accessible transportation and a church for the “least of these“. In addition to seeing the need for a different kind of church, they began noticing another pressing need. Due to the influx of newly released patients from Missouri State Hospital, the number of individuals with mental and physical impairments increased drastically.
The Williams’ quickly began our Housing Program to assist these individuals with life and independent living skills, basic home necessities, and secure housing. So, Bill and Rosa started buying properties to house anywhere from 15-20 people at a time, with the goal of helping as many as possible. Not surprisingly, The Waymakers quickly outgrew the original church building at Sutter.

Pastor McConkey helped the Williams’ find the former Winnebago Presbyterian Church, who had just what they needed! The modest church that got it’s start providing a way for anyone to attend church was now serving people with mental and physical disabilities, homelessness, and more.
As the church grew, so did Waymakers ability to help. Soon, they were leading a Boy Scout troop, going on camping trips, or outings to fun places like The Muny, a St. Louis Cardinals game, or taking an annual trip to Branson. All of this on top of providing hot meals, shelter, household needs, clothing, and more. Everything a family does together the church was doing. The helper-gene was passed on to their daughter, Eva Abshire, who now runs Waymakers. She always tried to live out the vision her parents and everyone at Waymakers share, “You are somebody with Jesus”.
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these my brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ – Matthew 25:40 NIV
Who We Serve
We minister to people with mental, developmental, and physical disabilities. As well as the hungry, homeless, and impoverished living in the Gravois Park neighborhood.

Our Story,
Our Mission
Who we are
Waymakers Chapel for the Exceptional is an inter-denominational church ministering to individuals with special needs, and their families, through church services and other assistance programs tailored to support its members in coming to know and experience the love of God.
What we believe
We believe that God calls all of us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and that we are worthy of His love, no matter our challenges, our circumstances, or our past. We believe God’s love is inclusive and infinite! All are welcome here.
How we do it
We have a small part-time staff that relies on the help of volunteers, church and business partnerships, donations, and grants. If you would like to know more about how to get involved click here. Your support makes an immediate impact on the lives of others.